re hit em — comparing this to a prompt is a brilliant throughline. define the tempo, define the meter, define “vibe”, here’s a piece of music that fits. it’s been so cool to watch this unfold from a “haha crazy dream🤪” —> people trying to interpret this dream logic and bring some shape to the surreal…

but i cant help but push back on classifying this collaboration as any type of ai… what’s less artificial, more human, less intelligent, more indecipherable than dreams?

we talk a lot about genre as being communities — communities of practice, of audience, and of artists (see a lot of glenn mcdonald’s writing on the subject) and The Internet ^tm has obviously connected people and allowed for many types of mostly-online genres and scenes to proliferate… but i dont know if im familiar with another time that genre generation has been quite so explicit, so on-demand: “this is what im looking for, it is called xyz, deliver it to me.” beyond the meme factor of it all, someone is going to start dropping some 5/4 shits in their set, and the heads will hear it and know and thus the vibes will propagate. i can feel it…

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Kelly's albums are absolutely incredible works !

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Hit 'em!

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